The Lend Finance Ecosystem
Introduction Lending is booming in the blockchain universe. However, there are so many P2P lending platforms, it can be hard to choose one to join. Blockchain is the hot topic and a lot of people have jumped into the bandwagon by creating their own currencies. However, a lot of these currencies are not backed by anything. This is the case with many other cryptocurrencies. The Lend Ecosystem will be the first lending platform with an underlying asset. The ecosystem will be backed by the Lend Coin. Lend is a lending ecosystem built on top of the blockchain, which aims to provide a decentralized, trustworthy and global P2P lending platform. It consists of a decentralized credit rating agency, a decentralized exchange and a decentralized wallet, all of which are connected via a set of smart contracts. Lend ecosystem is one of the most exciting new decentralized platforms to enter the lending market. Literally anyone can lend and borrow on their platform. Their goal is to have a world witho...